Debian 9 turns on Google BBR

Posted by D on March 30, 2020

The network is bumpy, especially during late peak hours.
We will inevitably experience slow speeds when accessing foreign servers.
If our server is a Linux system, fortunately, the kernel version of the Debian 9 system is 4.9.x.
The kernel comes with BBR congestion algorithm developed by Google, we can easily start BBR to accelerate access.

Debian 9 turns on Google BBR congestion control algorithm:

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Add contents as following to sysctl.conf:


reload sysctl:

sysctl -p

If there is no error message in the sysctl you should reboot Debian 9 to make it work.


After reboot Enter command:

lsmod |grep bbr

It show something like as following means it worked.

root@localhost:~# lsmod |grep bbr
tcp_bbr                16384  21